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How to Adopt a Dog from GSRSV/Adoption
What's New on the GSRSV Website?
Dogs Available for Adoption through GSRSV
Dogs Available for Adoption from Other
Area Rescue Groups and Individuals
Dogs Available for Adoption through Owner Placement
How to Place a Dog through GSRSV
Lost and
GSRSV Picture/Story Scrapbook
Is a German Shepherd the Right Breed for You?
Other German Shepherd Rescue Web Sites &
GSRSV's 2024 Rescue
GSRSV's 2023 Rescue
GSRSV's 2022 Rescue
GSRSV's 2021 Rescue
GSRSV's 2020
GSRSV's 2019 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2018 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2017 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2016 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2015 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2014 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2013 Rescue
GSRSV's 2012 Rescue
GSRSV's 2011 Rescue
GSRSV'S 2010 Rescue
GSRSV'S 2009 Rescue
GSRSV's 2008 Rescue
GSRSV's 2007 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2006 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2005 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2004 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2003 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2002 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2001 Rescue Record
GSRSV's 2000 Rescue Record
The following dogs are
available for adoption through GSRSV. Some are at the rescue ranch, some
are in foster homes and some are with their owners or caretakers working with
GSRSV. For further information
about these dogs, please call Brian Foran at
or e-mail him at
(Note: dogs that were recently adopted will be moved to the very
bottom of this page and will have an "Adopted" banner above their
profiles.) For information about the adoption process and
fees, please see How to
Adopt a Dog from GSRSV/Adoption Fees.
picture appears next to dogs who have proven themselves to be
The flag appears above the pictures of
dogs that GSRSV is placing for military families who are
forced to find new homes for their dogs due to deployments.
Please show your support for our service men and women by adopting or
fostering their dogs!
This page was last modified
January 14, 2025.
Because I am in the (long)
process of moving to Central Oregon, I am rescuing very few dogs these
days--thus the lack of adoptable dogs on this page.
Please check out the two other pages on this Website that list adoptable
dogs from other rescue groups, shelters, caretakers and owners:
Dogs Available for Adoption from Other Area Rescue Groups and Individuals
Dogs Available for Adoption through Owner
Placement |
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is a beautiful, petite (approx 50 lb) 3-yo female GSD at a
shelter in the Bay Area who is in need of a foster home to
recuperate from a fractured front leg. Gretchen was brought to
the shelter about a month ago after being hit by a car. She is a
young, energetic dog and being confined at the a noisy shelter
has been
stressful for her.
Gretchen was listed as "rescue only", and no rescue group had
come forward to pull her. So, Gretchen was likely going to be
euthanized due to the shelter being over-capacity.
has agreed to rescue Gretchen, and the shelter has agreed to
have her spayed. I need a foster home for Gretchen in which she
can relax and allow her fractured leg to heal. Staying at
GSRSV's rescue ranch will likely be even more stressful for
Gretchen than the shelter, as she will see dogs running around
and won't be able to join in the fun.
will be covering all medical expenses for Gretchen (and food
expenses if requested), but the foster caretaker(s) will need to
bring Gretchen into a vet (TBD) every week or so to have her
soft cast changed.
If you
would like to help Gretchen and GSRSV, please contact Brian ASAP
at 530-415-3801 (cell) or

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is a beautiful, approx 65-lb, 4-yo spayed female GSD who is super affectionate,
energetic, loyal and full of personality. Hazelnut LOVES to cuddle, and
will bury her head in your chest on the bed given a chance. She is
definitely partial to women, though she does not have a fear of men. She
loves to be petted, but is very sensitive about being touched near her
behind or on her groin; she will not bite, but will quickly move away if
she's feeling uncomfortable. Hazelnut is healthy, up-to-date on core
vaccinations and microchipped.
Hazelnut is friendly with strangers once
she's been properly introduced. She will initially bark at strangers and
will certainly be a protective dog requiring experienced handling once
she is in a home she calls her own. (She is presently at GSRSV's rescue
ranch, sharing a home with several other dogs, where she's not so
I have not had Hazelnut around
children since I rescued her in September 2023, but I am confident
she'll be OK with older kids. She does like to mouth hands in play,
which would likely be too much for younger kids.
Hazelnut is an enigma when it comes
to other dogs. Overall, she gets along fine with the other dogs at
GSRSV's rescue ranch. She is especially good when up on the bed, showing
no jealous behavior when other dogs try to squeeze between her and me.
She also plays very well with certain dogs. However, she has a
troublesome habit of play-fighting with other dogs in a very challenging
manner in which she circles the other dog with her hackles up, barking
and lunging (but not biting). Hazelnut thinks this is great fun, but
most of the other dogs don't share her amusement and will eventually
lash out at her. At this time, Hazelnut does not fight but rather yelps
out as if she's been attacked, retreats, and then moves in for more!
I have waited nearly a year to list
Hazelnut for adoption in hopes that her annoying playing style would
mellow out, but it hasn't. When I command Hazelnut to disengage from her
"faux attacks", she obeys me but then will usually go right back to it.
At this point, I either ignore her or, depending on the intensity of her
play, put her in a crate. She readily obeys my "crate" command and
behaves very well in the crate.
I believe that Hazelnut could
overcome her annoying style of play in the hands of an experienced GSD
person willing to put in the time. However, I don't think that Hazelnut
will ever be dog park material and I'm pretty sure that she will be
reactive towards other dogs when on a leash--at least without any
training. With this said, I think that Hazelnut would make a great
companion for a large, active, confident male dog.
I have not observed Hazelnut around
cats and will NOT consider her for a home with cats.
Hazelnut is completely housetrained
and never had an accident in my house (with dog door access to outside).
She is super-mellow inside and likes to lay next to me on my bed and
even follows me into the bathroom. I imagine that she'll be what is
referred to as a "Velcro" dog once in a regular home.
Hazelnut walks well on a leash, but
will likely need time to refresh her leash-walking skills, as I hardly
ever have her on a leach here at the ranch. Again, I fully expect that
Hazelnut will be reactive towards other dogs she sees on walks and so
will likely need work on this behavior.
Hazelnut loves to go for car rides and is a polite passenger
Hazelnut loves to swim and to bite the water stream from
a hose (click here to see video--Hazelnut
is wearing the pink collar). She also likes to play with stuffy
toys, play keep-away, and play tug-of-war.
Hazelnut was brought to the Tracy
city animal shelter on 6-18-22 as a stray. She immediately showed a
great deal of fear towards strangers and was very reactive towards other
dogs. Soon, though, she became very friendly with several of the shelter
staff and animal control officers--all women. However, when prospective
adopters or rescuers came to see her, she would charge the front of the
kennel or retreat with fearful barks and growls.
After over a year at the shelter,
Hazelnut's time was just about up--even though she had made many friends
with shelter staff and ACOs. The shelter contacted GSRSV to see if I'd
be willing to meet and possibly rescue Hazel. I like these kinds of
challenges, so on 9-10-23
I gave it a shot.
It took me about 45 minutes with lots of treats and coaxing with toys,
but I finally gained her trust and walked out of the play area with
Hazelnut on a leash.
Hazelnut is located in Pleasant
Grove. Her adoption fee is $250.
Posted 8-26-24 |

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Buster Boy--now
Ready for the cutest dog in the world?
"Buster" is an 80-lb (and growing), 1-yr old (born 4-29-23) neutered
male GSD mix who is playful, super-affectionate and well-mannered for
such a young dog.
Buster is wonderful with everyone
he meets, though he can be a little rambunctious with enthusiasm when he
first greets some people.
Buster is great with young
children. He was raised with five kids, ages 3-7 yrs. His youthful exuberance
might pose a little hazard for really young kids, but I'm confident that
Buster would quickly tone down his energy for toddlers.
Buster is fantastic with other
dogs. He loves to play
(click here for
video) and has displayed zero aggression towards any of the other
dogs at GSRSV's rescue ranch.
I will give strong
preference to prospective adopters of Buster who have a large, young,
playful dog for him to play with!
I don't know how Buster is with
cats, but I imagine he'd be OK w/ a very dog-savvy cat. However, I will
only consider giving him a try in a home w/ a cat if there is a already
a dog present that he can play with and expend his energy on.
Buster is housetrained and has not
had a single "accident" inside at GSRSV's rescue ranch, where he has
access to a dog door. He has chewed on a phone power cord and has done a
little counter-surfing, but otherwise is very well-behaved inside. He
has received very little training but is a very fast learner; he learned
to sit for treats in just a few minutes. He definitely needs
Buster LOVES to go for car rides
and is a very calm passenger. This dog is ready-made for adventures!
Buster loves to swim in the pond at
GSRSV's rescue ranch.
Buster was adopted as a young pup
by a family in Vacaville. They recently moved into a rental house in
which they were not allowed to keep large dogs. His person (Paige) then
resorted to keeping Buster in her car for awhile, letting him out
several times throughout the day. Paige's husband contacted GSRSV back
in December letting us know of Buster's plight and so we took him in in
late December.
Buster is located in Pleasant
Grove, CA. His adoption fee is $300.
Posted 1-18-24; updated 1-22-24;
updated 3-18-24; updated 5-9-24. |

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is an approx 70-lb, 2-yo neutered male GSD mix who is very
affectionate, playful and submissive.
Milo is friendly with everyone he
meets, both inside the house and beyond. He loves to be held and petted.
At times, he seems overly-needy of affection, but then he does have to
compete for affection with several other dogs at the GSRSV rescue ranch.
I have not observed Milo with
children but I think he'll be great with kids.
Milo is great with other dogs. He's
very playful with dogs who are somewhat submissive like he is. He gets
scared of those dogs who play really rough.
Milo's only drawback w/ other dogs
is that sometimes he gets possessive around food. This behavior has
subsided considerably since I took Milo in, and I can now feed him
biscuits with dogs right next to him without him showing any aggression
at all. However, if he has a "special treat", like a bone, he will
become possessive over it.
I have not had Milo around cats but
I imagine he'd do OK w/ them. I will consider a home for Milo w/ a
dog-savvy cat or two, but only if there is already a dog in the home.
Milo is completely housetrained and
has never had an accident in the house since I rescued him. He is
crate-trained as well.
Milo appears to walk well on a
leash, though I haven't had him on leash much at all. He seems to know
some basic commands.
Milo is a dog who would love to
have somebody around most of the time to give him love and attention. He
really craves affection.
GSRSV rescued Milo from the
Stanislaus County Shelter in Modesto on 6-1-23. He had been found as a
stray on 4-4-23.
Milo is located in Pleasant Grove,
CA. His adoption fee is $300.
Posted 10-8-23 |

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is a large (approx 85 lbs), 4-yo neutered male GSD/Belgian Malinois/??? mix who is
friendly, protective and very active. Leo came to me overweight but
has lost about 20 lbs and now looks great! [NOTE: the pictures of Leo here
were taken back in June, when he was over 100 lbs.] He
is microchipped and is up to date on core vaccinations.
Leo was OK meeting
people in his previous home as long as he was properly introduced;
otherwise, he sometimes
acted aggressively. He is a very good watchdog. Outside of his previous house, Leo
fine with strangers.
Here at GSRSV's rescue ranch (where
he's been since June of this year), Leo is great with visitors!
Leo has been around
young children and has done well with them. However, he is a very large dog
and sometimes does not realize his own size so he might knock over a
youngster in his exuberance.
Leo is fine with other
dogs, including small dogs. However, in his previous home he was very reactive towards other dogs
that he saw when on walks. Now that Leo has had considerable canine
socialization at GSRSV's rescue ranch, my hunch is that he won't be nearly
as reactive on leash when he sees other dogs. However, Leo is a large, strong dog,
so if he still does display reactive behavior towarfs other dogs he will need a
strong person—both physically and otherwise—to control him and teach him not
to be reactive.
Leo might also be OK
w/ cats. He has been around a cat and was just curious of it. However, it’s
not a certainty that he’ll be good with cats so caution will need to be
exercised in introducing him to a cat.
Leo is housetrained
and non-destructive inside. His former guardian left
him inside when she was gone, though she did have a neighbor let him out to
relieve himself when she planned to be gone for more than four hours. Leo
presently sleeps
on my bed, but slept on a dog bed inside in his previous home.
Leo is OK on leash
except, as previously mentioned, when he saw other dogs. He has fairly good off-leash recall.
Leo loves car rides
and is a polite passenger.
Leo LOVES to play
ball. He is a fetchin' fool, and an extremely skilled one at that! He would do well in an active home where he gets lots
of play time and exercise. Leo is not
fond of water.
former person—and her husband adopted Leo from a rescue
organization in 2020. Amparo’s husband was Leo’s primary handler.
Since then, Leo has grown considerably and sadly Amparo’s husband died of
cancer. On top of that, Amparo broke one of her arms earlier this year and so
unable to even walk Leo. GSRSV took Leo in to its
rescue facility in June.
Leo is located in
Pleasant Grove. His adoption fee is $250.
Posted 6-24-23;
updated 12-10-23 |

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Adopted 1-12-25!
is an approx 80-lb, 1¾-yo (born 3-16-23) neutered male GSD who is sweet,
playful and protective. Keith is healthy, up-to-date on vaccinations,
and microchipped.
is friendly with strangers when properly introduced, but is also
protective of his home and people. If a person were to come into his
house or yard unannounced, it’s likely he would charge the person and
possibly bite. When out on walks, Keith is fine with meeting strangers,
so clearly Keith’s behavior at home is protective and not simply
Keith was great w/ the two young
children (ages 8 & 10 yrs old) he lived with up until late November
2024. However, Keith is also somewhat excitable and mouthy when there is
lots of action and noise. So, it would be best if Keith were placed in a
home that does not have children under 13 yrs of age.
Keith is good with other dogs and
is on the submissive side. He presently lives with several other dogs at
GSRSV’s Rescue Ranch and gets along fine with all of them. (Click
here for a video of Keith romping with some of the other dogs.) He
generally keeps to himself but I have seen him try to initiate play with
a couple of the other GSDs. He formerly lived with a male Golden
Retriever who he also got along well with. (See bottom photo on left.)
Keith has not interacted with cats,
but he did encounter a cat at the vet’s office and was unperturbed by
it. My hunch is that Keith would do fine w/ a dog-savvy cat.
Keith is fully housetrained and his
previous people kept him inside with no problems when they were gone for
several hours. He slept in the hallway in their house. He has not had a
single indoor accident nor chewed a single inappropriate item at GSRSV’s
Rescue Ranch.
Keith previously received four
weeks of obedience training and is very well-behaved. He walks great on
leash and is non-reactive towards other dogs. He also has fairly good
recall off-leash.
Keith loves to go on car rides and
is a polite passenger. He waits calmly in the car when left alone for
short periods. Keith loves water; he likes to splash in shallow water
and to bite the water stream from a hose.
Keith’s people purchased him from a
breeder when he was about 10 wks old. Keith was his male person’s
(John’s) third GSD. John invested a lot of time training Keith and Keith
was a much-loved member of his family. However, on Nov 11 Keith bit an
Instacart driver who came into their yard when Keith was outside
unattended. The next day he nipped one of their daughters when she was
loudly running around with some of her friends. [Note from GSRSV:
several years ago, my own GSD--who was incredible with children--did
this same thing to my best friend’s oldest son when he was playing tag
with some friends. This is absolutely NOT a reflection of aggression
towards children, but rather an inappropriate play response.]
Due to the open nature of John’s
home with young children and concern that Keith might nip one of their
daughter’s friends, John chose to surrender Keith to a rescue. GSRSV
took Keith in on Nov 23.
Keith’s adoption fee is $300.
Posted 12-12-24
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Adopted 1-4-25!
is a stunning, approx 70-lb, 3-yo spayed female GSD mix who is sweet,
gentle and affectionate. She is healthy, fully vaccinated and
Ember is friendly with everyone she meets, whether inside the house or
out on walks. She really enjoys affection and will soak it up whenever
it is offered. She recently met two young children and was very sweet
and gentle with them.
Ember has done well with both male and female dogs. She presently lives
with an adult male GSD and a very young male Great Pyrenees mix and does
great with both, especially the puppy.
Click here for a video of Ember playing w/ the pup.
can be nervous initially when meeting other dogs, but she warms up
fairly quickly. She enjoys being around the two dogs in her foster home
and will lick their faces occasionally. She has also started to show
some interest in playing with them.
Ember has NOT been around cats since we rescued her in late November, so
we are seeking a home without cats for her.
Ember is fully housetrained and has not had a single “accident” inside
since we rescued her. Her foster caretakers keep her in a large wire
crate when they are gone, and also keep her in the crate at night. Ember
does fine in the crate.
Ember is well-behaved in general and has a moderate energy level. She is
food-motivated and responsive to training. Ember walks well on the leash
and has quickly learned to stay by her handler's side. She is
non-reactive when passing other dogs and will continue calmly walking on
the leash.
Ember does well getting into the car and sits in the backseat. She
experienced car-sickness on her transport from Salinas to Orangevale,
but her foster caretakers have been taking her on short car rides to get
her more accustomed to riding in a vehicle and her motion sickness has
Ember has not played with toys much since her rescue, but she will
sometimes chew on a Nylabone.
Ember was found as a stray and brought to the “Hitchcock Rd” animal
shelter in Salinas, CA, on November 20. Though her owner was contacted,
they were unable to take her back. GSRSV rescued Ember on Nov 28 and she
has been in a foster home since Nov 30.
Ember is located in Orangevale Her adoption fee is $300.
Posted 12-28-24 |